Scouts Honor Wiki

Working It Out Try-it [retired]

This Try-it was introduced in 1997 and retired in 2011.

This badge focuses on some timely issues for conflict resolution and combating bullying.

As with all older Brownie Try-its, scouts need to complete 4 activities to earn the badge.

Picture This[]

Have the girls draw two pictures of a conflict situation, one being the right way to handle a situation and one being the wrong way to handle it. Together go over each person's drawings and discuss why certain things work and why they don't in a conflict situation. The Handbook give several examples but it's probably a good idea to let the girls think of their own.  

Another good way to do this would be to have the girls work in teams and role play the right and wrong way to handle certain situations. They'll probably have a lot of fun with it.

Clearing the Air[]

This activity deals with positive listening skills. Have the girls pair up and have a conversation that goes something like this:

Girl One: I am angry because you did not pick me as a partner in gym today.
Girl Two: So, I heard you say, you're angry because I picked Marci for a partner, is that what you meant?

The first girl either agrees that this is what she said or she tries to change the way she's saying it, if it's not what she meant. The girls can either make up situations to talk about or use real examples.

Problem Solving[]

Have the girls brainstorm problems they may have at home and at school or even in the troop meetings. Then, have each girl, on their own, come up with a solution to each problem. Then, share all the solutions. The girls might be surprised to learn that there are usually several ways to approach a problem.

Act It Out[]

Girls this age usually love to role play and have fun with anything they can act out. Have each girl write a problem on a slip of paper and but them in a container. Then, have pair of girls act out the problem and have the audience offer solutions.


Teach your troop what negotiation means. Then, have them come up with some problem they'd like to overcome and brainstorm as a troop what ways they could negotiate a solution. An example would be they would like a later bedtime.  Is there a way they can negotiate for a later bedtime on weekends. Make sure you let the girls know that their parents might not negotiate!

Additional Resources[]
